Road 66


At first, animals opened trails between waterholes, then the animal-hunting Indians established trails. Finally, settlers formalized lines. Later, the railroad followed the trail, the telegraph the railroad, the road the telegraph, and the highway the road. In 1920, it took 3 nights and 2 days by train to get from Chicago to Los Angeles, and weeks by car when you got there. At that time, the land of automobile civilization was no better endowed with roads than Africa.

The Middle West wanted to emerge from its economic isolation, so it created a series of incoherent roads, paving downtowns and paving trails with private funds. The mess had to be sorted out. In 1926, the American government ratified the birth of US Highway 66 (roads linking East and West had an even number. 60 had already been assigned, so 66 was chosen. Why 66? Why not.....)

Budget :

9700 € per person
  • Départ de Chicago et arrivée à Los Angeles. Le budget comprend les Hotels, la location de moto, le véhicule d'assistance, la formule accompagnée, et les repas.
Off-road 0%
Asphalt 100%

Route 66 links CHICAGO to SANTA MONICA. It was originally 3939 KM (2448 Miles) long. It crosses 8 states: ILLINOIS, MISSOURI, KANSAS, OKLAHOMA,TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA.

  • Foundation date: November 11, 1926
  • 12 years of construction
  • Completed in 1938

Accidents are so numerous that it's been dubbed Bloody 66, Two-lane-killer, Death Alley or Camino de la Muerte. We could have doubled it and made it the most beautiful highway in the world. Instead, the bureaucrats killed it. It would take 35 years and 5 highways to bypass it city by city.

  • End date: 1956, when the Interstate was created.

It is bordered by brown "HISTORIC ROUTE 66" signs.

Route 66 opens its arms to you, making this trip an exceptional moment in your motorcycling life. And no matter how well you know the American West, it's only at the end of this unique destination that you'll be able to say with some emotion that it was one of the most beautiful motorcycle trips of your life!

10 000 €/couple
11 000 km
30 days
8 American states: Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma,Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California
July 2025

Norway is by far the most beautiful country in Scandinavia, if not in the whole world! The North Cape is sensational, we had so many emotions! Very nice and attentive team! Great trip thanks to Cruise & Discover!

Alain and Caroline, trip to the North Cape